Chronic Kidney Disease

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Hans-Joachim Anders, M.D.
Hans-Joachim Anders is full professor of nephrology and head of the Renal Division at the inner city campus of the hospital of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany.
He trained in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at LMU. His clinical interests include chronic kidney disease and glomerulonephritis. His research interests involve the molecular mechanisms of kidney injury and remodelling as well as all aspects of translational research. At LMU he is in charge of the experimental research fellowship program for medical students. He is associate editor of JASN and NDT.
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Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD, FASN
Christos Argyropoulos is Associate Professor of Nephrology and Section Chief of the Division of Nephrology at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.
He trained in Internal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati and Nephrology, as well as Transplant Nephrology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. His clinical interests include Diabetic Kidney Disease, Outreach Nephrology and his research interest involve the development of biomarkers for diabetic kidney disease, as well as scalable methods for analysis of big datasets. He is one of the clinical trialists of the Division of Nephrology and the Medical Lead for the Participant Clinical Interactions Unit of the Clinical and Translational Sciences Center at the University of New Mexico.
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Dr. Sophia Ambruso

Dr. Ambruso is a clinical nephrologist and assistant professor at the Rocky Mountain VA Medical Center, Renal Division and University of Colorado School of Medicine; Division of Renal Disease and Hypertension.

She is the clinical and inpatient dialysis director and director of medical student and resident education within the renal division of the Rocky Mountain VA Medical Center. Her main passions are patient care and medical education. In medical education, her goal is to create a safe environment for inquiry and intrigue with the personal mission of making nephrology exciting for her medical students and residents. In addition, Dr. Ambruso has specific interest in content delivery adaptation tailored to meet the needs of learners. Dr. Ambruso is also actively involved in medical education as it intersects with digital and social media and is passionate about the development of free and open access medical education (FOAMed). She is the creator and animator of the kidney physiology educational website. She is on the Executive Committee and is a faculty member for the Nephrology Social Media Collective internship. She is the Associate Editor of visual and social media for KI Reports and Chief editor of the KI Reports’ educational blog page KI Reports Community. She is the co-creator and cohost of the Kidney Essentials podcast, releasing quarterly podcasts discussing salient nephrologic topics tailored to medical students, residents and all nephrocurious practitioners. Finally, Dr. Ambruso is one of the 'filtrates' on Freely Filtered, a podcast that discusses recent NephJC articles.
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Roopen Arya BMBCh MA PhD FRCP FRCPath
Roopen Arya is Professor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis at King’s College Hospital in London. He is also Clinical Director for Haematological Medicine at King’s and Director of King’s Thrombosis Centre.
He trained at Oxford and King’s. His main interests are venous thromboembolism, thrombophilia, and direct oral anticoagulants. He is passionate about thrombosis research and advancing safety and quality of care through innovative and patient-centric approaches to thrombosis care. He is Director of the National VTE Exemplar Centres Network in England.
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Jonathan Barratt
Jonathan Barratt is the Mayer Professor of Renal Medicine at the University of Leicester and an Honorary Consultant Nephrologist at the John Walls Renal Unit, Leicester General Hospital, Leicester, UK.
Jonathan leads the Renal Research Group within the College of Life Sciences, University of Leicester. His research is focussed on a bench to bedside approach to improving our understanding of the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy a common global cause of kidney failure. He is the IgA nephropathy Rare Disease Group lead for the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) and a member of the steering committee for the International IgA Nephropathy Network. He works closely with pharmaceutical companies interested in new treatments for IgA nephropathy, and is Chief Investigator for a number of international randomised controlled Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials in IgA nephropathy. He was a member of the FDA and American Society of Nephrology Kidney Health Initiative: Identifying Surrogate Endpoints for Clinical Trials in IgA Nephropathy Work group and is co-Chair of the UK Glomerulonephritis Clinical Study Group and was IgA nephropathy lead for the recent revision of the KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Glomerular Diseases.
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Sheila Bermejo

Sheila Bermejo is a clinical nephrologist who is currently working at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Her expertise focuses in diabetic kidney disease, onconephrology and glomerular disease.

As a nephrologist, she completed her internship in Nephrology at Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain. During the last year of her internship, she was on an observership stay in 2016 in Center of Glomerular Disease at Columbia Universisty in NYC, USA. She developed his doctoral thesis focused in diabetic kidney disease and the role of kidney biopsy, entitled “CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN DIABETIC PATIENTS. THE ROLE OF KIDNEY BIOPSY”. The PhD dissertation was in September 2020 in Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). This PhD project was based in a multicenter Spanish study about a one of the largest cohort of biopsied diabetic patients. Furthermore, she completed a Master’s degree entitled “Online Master in Renal Pathology. Edition VI. 2021 - 2022” of Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid (Spain) at June 2022. This MSc is focused in majority of renal pathologies with a clinical and pathological point of view. She currently is working as a clinical nephrologist at Vall D’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, one of the biggest and most complex hospitals in Spain. She is in charge of the outpatients’ clinic and hospitalization. Furthermore, she is the clinical responsible of the native kidney biobank of this institution. Furthermore, she is the responsible on onconephrology unit in Nephrology department in this hospital. She is involved as a collaborator investigator in two scientific grants of ISCIII. She is involved in several clinical trials focused in diabetic kidney disease and glomerular disease. She published several original articles and reviews in journals with a relevant impact factor in the last years derived of her clinical research practice focused in diabetic kidney disease and onconephrology. Furthermore, recently she has been elected a member of the board of the Catalan Society of Nephrology as secretary.
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Snehal H. Bhatt , PharmD
Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the MCPHS University, and Clinical Pharmacist

Snehal H. Bhatt is Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the MCPHS University, and Clinical Pharmacist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, MA. He teaches and practices in acute care cardiology, anticoagulation, clinical pharmacokinetics, and adult internal medicine. Dr. Bhatt is a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS) with Added Qualifications in Cardiology. His scholarly interests include inpatient anticoagulation for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, anticoagulation reversal therapies, and the role of the pharmacists in the management of cardiovascular disease. 

Dr. Bhatt was awarded Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) in 2017. As an active member of ASHP, Dr. Bhatt is currently a content matter expert and faculty member in ASHP’s BCPS recertification and preparatory course, a position he has held since 2015. He represented ASHP on the Joint Commission Technical Advisory Panel for National Patient Safety Goal 03.05.01-Reducing Harm from Anticoagulant Therapy: Update to Include Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs). He also served on the ASHP Council on Therapeutics for 4 years, serving as Chair in 2019. Dr. Bhatt is also actively involved in the American College of Cardiology (ACC) where his leadership roles include serving on the Cardiovascular Team (CVT) Council, and the CV Team Education Committee. He has previously served as the CV Team Steering Committee Chair for the Northeast Region. Locally for the Massachusetts ACC. He was awarded Associate of the ACC (AACC) in 2018.
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Hannah Beba
Hannah Beba is a Consultant Pharmacist working at NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Hannah is co-chair of the United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Associations Diabetes and Endocrine Committee and sits on the Diabetes UK Committee of Healthcare professionals.
Hannah is an associate lecturer at Newcastle University. This has enabled her to develop a learning package for undergraduate pharmacists, updating them on cutting edge developments in diabetes care. It has also enabled her to get involved in large scale research. Hannah’s recent appointment as a consultant pharmacist at Leeds CCG takes Hannah into a primary care focused, integrated care role. Hannah believes that here there are fantastic opportunities for pharmacists to provide holistic, unparalleled care to people living with diabetes as part of a multidisciplinary approach. Hannah is driven to tackle inequalities in care and looks to tackle this in her forward agenda.
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Clara García Carro

Clara García Carro is a clinical nephrologist currently working at Nephrology Department of Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid (Spain).
As a nephrologist, and since she started her internship in Nephrology at Hospitall Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona (Spain), she has been always working in a tertiary hospital environment, being in charge of the outpatients clinic and hospitalization. She has been working in Clinical Nephrology but she also has experience as a transplant nephrologist since her career has been developed in hospitals with huge transplantation rates.

During her career as a Nephrology researcher, she has been focused on inflammation in different renal scenarios. As her PhD project, finished in 2019 at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and marked excellent cum laude, she studied the relationship between subclinical graft inflammation and transplantation outcomes (histologic changes, systemic inflammation and development of dnDSA). This project was an international research collaboration between Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona and Oslo Riskhospitalet Hospital in Norway, where Dr García Carro was on a research stay in 2015. In addition to kidney transplantation, she is very interested in the role of inflammation in diabetic kidney disease and diabesity. She has been studying the role of new antidiabetic drugs in animal models and, at this moment, she is developing new projects about new pathways to decrease renal inflammation in diabetes kidney disease and diabetic kidney disease in renal allografts. Onconephrology has attracted her attention these last years. She is the leader of the Spanish national study about kidney pathology in patients with cancer, currently on going with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. She has multiple published articles high impact journals about immuno-mediated nephritis and she is currently working in this field with different research groups in Europe and USA. Finally, it is interesting to mention her experience as researcher in REDinREN, the Spanish platform for renal research, where she was in charge of collaborative projects about glomerular diseases research and biobanking. She is part of JovSEN (Young Spanish Nephrologist Platform) board and, from July 2022, she collaborates with the American Society of Nephrology as a member of Kidney News editorial board.
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Melvin Chan MD
Pediatric Nephrology Fellow; Children's Hospital of Colorado

Dr. Chan is currently a third year pediatric nephrology fellow at Children’s Hospital Colorado and will be staying as faculty in 2024. His research interests include CKM over the lifespan and pediatric to adult transition of care. During his personal time, he enjoys playing with his son, playing poker in  the casinos to play poker, and going up to the mountains.

Dr. Fouad T. Chebib
Dr. Fouad T. Chebib, MD, FASN is a nephrologist and assistant professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic, Florida. He finished his undergraduate studies at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon then his medical school at the University of Balamand, Lebanon.
He joined Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA for a postdoctoral research fellowship in molecular nephrology and ion channels at Alper Lab, Harvard University. Afterwards, he trained at Saint Elizabeth Medical Center (Tufts University) for internal medicine then Mayo Clinic for a 3-year nephrology fellowship followed by two years as a Mayo Clinic Scholar to develop his research program under the mentorship of Dr. Vicente Torres. His clinical and research focus is advancing the medical care and preventing kidney failure in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. His research examines molecular mechanisms that lead to cyst formation on ADPKD patients and explores targeted treatment options. He established the tolvaptan clinic at Mayo Clinic to ensure a safe and effective administration of the first FDA drug to slow ADPKD. He is currently studying novel targets and molecules with promising therapeutic potential in ADPKD treatment. He is also leading innovative projects in delivering medical care to ADPKD patients globally. He is currently the director of the PKD center of excellence and inaugural member of the Integrated Discovery Science Unit at Mayo Clinic Florida and chairs the Education Advisory Panel at the PKD foundation.
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Dr. Daniel Coyne

Dr. Daniel Coyne is a Professor of Medicine in the Nephrology Division at Washington University School of Medicine. He received his Medical degree at Case Western Reserve University, and completed his Internal Medicine training at Emory University.

He received his Nephrology training at Washington Unviersity in St. Louis. He is presently the director of the Chromalloy American Kidney Center and the Medicine Multispecialty Clinics at Washington University. His research interests include Anemia in CKD and dialysis. He was the lead principal investigator of the DRIVE trial of iron in anemic dialysis patients, and a site principal investigator in trials of darbepoetin and daprodustat in treatment of anemia in CKD and dialysis patients.
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Claire Davies
Claire Davies is the Diabetes and Endocrinology Specialist Pharmacist for Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Claire has had a keen interest in diabetes throughout her career and as a committee member of the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association Diabetes and Endocrinology Group is keen to advocate the role of pharmacists in improving the care of people living with diabetes as part of the wider multidisciplinary team. Claire supports work regionally across Primary and Secondary care through development of clinical guidelines and pathways across multiple clinical networks and specialities. Day to day Claire works a split role between emergency medicine and diabetes and endocrinology and has a real passion for getting medicines right at the front door for all patients admitted to hospital.
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Tejas Desai
Tejas Desai is a nephrologist in Charlotte, North Carolina. His interests include social media analytics for healthcare professionals, medical societies, and pharma companies.
He is an active medical researcher, having published over 40 first- or senior-authored original manuscripts in the nascent field of social media research. He continues to educate trainees through tweetorials and medical infographics. Finally, he is a computer coder and created to help medical learners find quality scientific tweets from a sea of noise. You can learn more about him at his website:
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Dr Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes
GP Partner North Berwick Health Centre, GP with Specialist Interest in CVRM & Medical Education

Kevin is a part-time GP Partner working at North Berwick Health Centre, near Edinburgh. Kevin is also Scottish lead of the Primary Care Diabetes Society, Content Advisor for WebMD Medscape Global & UK and a co-founder of GoggleDocs.

Kevin graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2000 and holds both MRCGP and MRCP(UK) qualifications and has completed a Master’s degree in diabetes which he passed with distinction. Kevin has been elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and also the Academy of Medical Educators for his work in diabetes and medical education.
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Ines Fonseca
Highly Specialised Diabetes and Endocrinology Pharmacist Manchester Royal Infirmary

Ines Fonseca is a Diabetes Specialist Pharmacist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust @MFTnhs - the largest NHS Trust in the UK. She has a special interest in diabetes emergencies, diabetes technology and CaReMe medicine.

Dominique Guerrot, MD, PhD
Dominique Guerrot is Professor of Nephrology and head of the Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation department in Rouen University Hospital (Rouen, France) since 2015.
He completed his medical course (MD) in the University Hospitals of Brest and Rouen, and his research curriculum (MSc, PhD) in Tenon hospital, Paris. His clinical interests and research activities, led in Rouen University Hospital and in INSERM Unit 1096, are mainly focused on arterial hypertension (ESH Hypertension Specialist), endothelial dysfunction and Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. He has co-authored over 100 publications. He is particularly involved in medical education in Rouen Medical University and in the French national university board for Nephrology (CUEN). Dominique Guerrot is an active member of several societies including the French-speaking Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation society (SFNDT, nephrology board past-president and member of the SoMe board) and European Renal Asssociation (member of the SoMe team).
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Dr. Ilana Halperin

Dr. Ilana Halperin is a full time staff physician and assistant professor in the job description of Clinician in Quality and Innovation. Dr. Halperin has a BSc from McGill University, an MD from the University of Western Ontario; she completed internal medicine and endocrinology training at the University of Toronto and an MSc in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. 

She was an early adopter of digital tools and virtual care and during the pandemic she was named the physician lead for the digital and virtual health and recently promoted to Chief Medical Information Officer at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where she practices. She has a large Type 1 Diabetes practice with a special interest in young adults and pregnant women and has been recognized as a national expert in the application of diabetes technology to improve the lives of people living with diabetes.
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Dr. Patrick Holmes MB BS, MSc, DipTher, MRCGP
Dr. Holmes has been a GP Partner at St. George’s Medical Practice, Darlington for 23 years. He is a local clinical commissioner for diabetes (Diabetes Clinical lead for Tees Valley CCG & Primary Care Diabetes Clinical Lead for the North-East ICS).
Trustee & committee member for the Primary Care Diabetes Society. Primary Care Diabetes NIHR Research lead for the North East. Associate Editor for Diabetic Medicine. He has also worked as a GPwSI in Diabetes for County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust. One of the authors of the UKKA Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter-2 (SGLT-2) Inhibition in Adults with Kidney Disease Guideline. Clinical interests - adult type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease prevention & chronic kidney disease. Twitter: @drpatrickholmes
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Will Herrington, MA, MBBS, MD, FRCP
Associate Professor, Renal Studies Group, MRC Population Health Research Unit, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Univ. of Oxford

Will Herrington is a clinician scientist based at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford and a practising Honorary Consultant Nephrologist at Oxford Kidney Unit. He joined the Renal Studies Group as a Clinical Research Fellow and trained on landmark renal trials (SHARP3C and UKHARP3). In 2013, he was awarded an MD from the University of Cambridge for a thesis entitled ‘The effects of lowering LDL cholesterol on stroke in chronic kidney disease’.

He co-leads the EMPA-KIDNEY trial, which is testing the effects of empagliflozin 10mg versus placebo on cardiorenal outcomes in 6609 people with chronic kidney disease with and without diabetes. He also co-chairs the UK Kidney Association guideline working group responsible for recommendations on the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors in adults with kidney disease, and has chaired the UK Renal Trials Network since 2020. He also aims to better understand the key determinants of kidney disease development and progression using observations from large blood-based prospective cohorts across a wide range of different populations. He has a particular focus on adiposity and its related risk factors, and how these may interlink to also cause cardiovascular disease.
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Gerren Hobby, MD

Gerren Hobby is a private practice nephrologist in Arkansas. He enjoys all aspects of nephrology and loves teaching internal medicine residents at his hospital. He was introduced to the magic of nephrology social media in 2019. Since then he has explored new avenues of teaching through roles at Kidney International Reports, and the Nephrology Social Media Collective.

Noah Ivers, MD, CCFP, PhD
Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute; Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto; Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Implementation of Evidence-based Practice; Adjunct Scientist, ICES

Noah Ivers is a family physician at Women's College Hospital, scientist at Women’s College Research Institute, and innovation fellow at the Women's College Institute for Health System Solutions. 

He is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. He holds a Canada Research Chair in the Implementation of Evidence Based Practice. Noah's research focuses on the use of data to drive evidence-based, patient-centred improvements in healthcare. He has conducted multiple pragmatic randomized trials, systematic reviews, and qualitative work on health services and quality improvement interventions.
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Ellie Kelepouris, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine Director, Dialysis Programs, The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Dr Kelepouris has a robust 20 year experience in curricular development at both the fellowship and medical student levels. She was the architect of the Doctoring curriculum while at Temple University - a longitudinal 4 year curriculum for medical students which encompasses case studies with simulation standardized patients, small group discussions and lecture formats. In addition, she developed assessment tools for this new curriculum.

Most recently, with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr Kelepouris co-developed an innovative educational program in Philadelphia. "The Mid Atlantic 1st Year Renal Fellows Symposium". A curriculum was created to introduce new first year renal fellows in the tri-state area to the challenges they will face in the first 2 months of fellowship. A "boot-camp" - 33 fellows attended from programs in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. The format was didactic sessions, lectures, small group sessions and case-based formats. She also spearheaded the Professional Education Initiative for the National Kidney Foundation of the Delaware Valley. She developed a state-of-the-art curriculum with CME for Nephrologists and Primary Care Doctors which showcased clinical and research topics presented by national speakers.
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Edgar V. Lerma, MD, FACP, FASN, FPSN (Hon)
Clinical Professor of Medicine with the Section of Nephrology at University of Illinois at Chicago
Edgar Lerma, MD, earned his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Manila, Philippines. He completed Residency Training in Internal Medicine at UIC/Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, where he also served as Chief Resident. He completed a Fellowship in Nephrology and Hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, and the Veterans Administration Lakeside Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois.
Taher Modarressi, MD
Taher Modarressi, MD is a cardiometabolic specialist at Hamilton Cardiology Associates in Hamilton, NJ. He completed his internal medicine residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and endocrinology fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by additional training in clinical lipidology and obesity medicine. He is board-certified in each discipline. His clinical interests lie in integrated, multidisciplinary approaches in cardiometabolic health, particularly as it applies to prevention and novel therapeutics.
He then went on to complete his nephrology fellowship at Upstate Medical University Hospital in Syracuse, NY followed by a transplant fellowship at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Madariaga’s clinical interests include racial and ethnic disparities in kidney transplantation and access to care, as well as medically complicated transplant candidates and recipients and simultaneous liver kidney transplant recipients. He also has an interest in social media and medical education and serves on the Executive Committee of NephJC (Nephrology Journal Club) a twitter-based, twice-a-month journal club and as a faculty member for the Nephrology Social Media Collective (NSMC) internship. Dr. Madariaga is also a social media editor for the Kidney Medicine Journal.
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Hector M. Madariaga, MD
Hector M. Madariaga, MD is a transplant nephrologist at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine.
Dr. Madariaga completed medical school at the Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez in Mexico. Subsequently, he completed his internal medicine residency at Carney Hospital, an affiliate of Tufts University School of Medicine.
He then went on to complete his nephrology fellowship at Upstate Medical University Hospital in Syracuse, NY followed by a transplant fellowship at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Madariaga’s clinical interests include racial and ethnic disparities in kidney transplantation and access to care, as well as medically complicated transplant candidates and recipients and simultaneous liver kidney transplant recipients. He also has an interest in social media and medical education and serves on the Executive Committee of NephJC (Nephrology Journal Club) a twitter-based, twice-a-month journal club and as a faculty member for the Nephrology Social Media Collective (NSMC) internship. Dr. Madariaga is also a social media editor for the Kidney Medicine Journal.
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Ahmad Masri, MD
Director of the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center and Cardiac Amyloidosis Program at Oregon Health & Science University

Ahmad Masri is the Director of the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center and Cardiac Amyloidosis Program at Oregon Health & Science University where he is also an Assistant Professor of Medicine. Dr. Masri obtained his medical degree from Jordan University of Science and Technology in Jordan prior to joining the Cleveland Clinic where he completed his Internal Medicine Residency training, followed by Cardiology fellowship, NIH-sponsored T32 imaging fellowship in cardiac imaging, and a post-graduate degree in Epidemiology and Statistics from the University of Pittsburgh.

His research focuses on improving early recognition and phenotyping of left ventricular hypertrophy with a focus on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis and Anderson-Fabry disease. Dr. Masri also has an active translational and imaging research program, and oversees a large team of clinical researchers who are heavily involved in various clinical trials in the cardiomyopathy space.
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Dr Subashri Mohanasundaram
Assistant Professor of Nephrology; Govt Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital

MD (General Medicine), DM (Nephrology), DrNB (Nephrology), FASN
An early career nephrologist  originally based in Chennai, India, Dr Subashri has been acknowledged twice as the best doctor inTuticorin district, India, in recognition of her work in a Government Medical College at Tuticorin catering to needs of patients with kidney ailments. She is a peer reviewer in three national and international journals. Her special interests in Nephrology involve pregnancy & kidney diseases, renal transplantation, and acute kidney injury. 

Dr Ahmed Mohsen, MD, MSc.

Consultant Cardiologist Lecturer of Cardiology-Cairo University. Author of "Tips and Tricks in Cardiology" book. Ambassador for Africa in the Tele-Cardiology Working Group-International Society for Telemedicine &eHealth (ISfTeH).


James Novak, MD PhD FASN FNKF FACP is the Nephrology and Nephrology/Critical Care Training Program Director at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan; Professor of Clinical Medicine at Michigan State University; and Education Director for the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Self-Assessment Program (KSAP). He has received the Subspecialty Teaching Physician of the Year Award from the Internal Medicine house staff for 7 years as well as medical student teaching awards from Henry Ford Hospital and Wayne State University. 

Dr. Novak served as Associate Editor for Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease for 7 years and was a member of the ACGME Nephrology Milestones 2.0 Work Group and the Nephrology Social Media Collective internship. He has received the Hour Detroit "Top Docs" Award for clinical excellence annually since 2015. He has written questions and curricula for MKSAP, NephSAP, and KSAP, and his interests include medical education and renal physiology.
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Charles Victor Pollack, Jr., M.A., M.D., FACEP, FAAEM, FAHA, FACC, FESC, FCPP
Clinician-Scientist in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine
Dr. Charles Pollack is a Clinician-Scientist in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. He has long been active in teaching and clinical research and is an international leader in emergency medicine. He is the only physician to have received the American College of Emergency Physicians’ highest national awards in both teaching and research; he also received the national teaching award from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors.
Dr. Charles Pollack is a Clinician-Scientist in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. He has long been active in teaching and clinical research and is an international leader in emergency medicine. He is the only physician to have received the American College of Emergency Physicians’ highest national awards in both teaching and research; he also received the national teaching award from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors. He is the only US emergency physician to be elected a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology. His primary research interests are in the management of thrombosis, reversal of anticoagulation, and other aspects of critical care. From 2015-2019, Dr. Pollack served in multiple additional roles at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia: Associate Provost for Innovation in Education; Director, Jefferson Institute of Emerging Health Professions; Associate Dean for CME and Strategic Partner Alliances; and, Professor and Senior Advisor for Interdisciplinary Research and Clinical Trials, Department of Emergency Medicine. From 2001-2015, Dr. Pollack was Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania and served as Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. From 1992-2001, Dr. Pollack served in various positions in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona, an urban, tertiary care teaching hospital affiliated with the Medical College of the University of Arizona and the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. He was Research Director from 1994 to 2000, and he chaired the department from 1997 to 2001. From 2000 through mid-2001, Dr. Pollack was also Director of Emergency Medicine at Arizona Heart Hospital. Dr. Pollack graduated summa cum laude from Emory University in 1980 with bachelor’s degrees in history and chemistry and with a master’s degree in the history of science and medicine. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Pollack earned his medical degree from Tulane University School of Medicine and is a member of Alpha Omega Alpha. Dr. Pollack has written more than 500 original research articles, chapters, and abstracts, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals and on the steering committees of multiple national and international studies. He is the principal investigator on multiple ongoing trials and studies. He is also a strong advocate for entrepreneurism and innovation in healthcare. He is a founding Board member of the Hospital Quality Foundation, a non-for-profit education and research organization dedicated to improvement in the quality of care provided to patients in the hospital and at transition back to the outpatient setting.
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Cristina Popa

Dr. Popa is an early career nephrologist based in Iasi, Romania, who is passionate about all things related to kidneys. Daytime, she provides care to patients at one of the most advanced dialysis units in Eastern Europe and collaborates with university-affiliated hospitals at “Dr. C.I Parhon” Hospital.

At night, she extends her passion for teaching beyond academics through digital media. She is an active member of the Nephrology Social Media Collective, and an editor for NephJC, and she collaborates with nephrology journals as a visual abstract creator.
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Pallavi Prasad, MBBS, MD

Dr. Prasad is a nephrologist who serves as a consultant in Nephrology and Renal Transplant Medicine at  VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi.  She completed her MBBS and MD studies at Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University, India, and went on to train in DNB Superspeciality from Department of Nephrology, Max Superspeciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India.  She has also completed an  ISN-ANIO Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program, and a Glomcon Glomerular Disease Fellowship, and is currently enrolled in the 2023 Nephrology Social Media Collective Internship 2023.

Richard E. Pratley, MD
Samuel E. Crockett Chair in Diabetes Research, Senior Investigator and Diabetes Program Lead at the AdventHealth Translational Research Institute

Dr. Richard Pratley serves as Samuel E. Crockett Chair in Diabetes Research, Senior Investigator and Diabetes Program Lead at the AdventHealth Translational Research Institute, and Medical Director at the AdventHealth Diabetes Institute, in Orlando, Florida.  He is also an Adjunct Professor of Medicine with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  Dr. Pratley is an internationally recognized expert in diabetes and is board certified in internal medicine. 

He received his MD from Wayne State University in Detroit and completed fellowships in geriatric medicine and gerontology at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and the National Institute on Aging. As a member of the American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and The Obesity Society, Dr. Pratley continues his active involvement in the professional community. He is on the editorial board for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, has served as a member of the editorial boards of Diabetes Care, The Lancet: Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Journal of Diabetes and its Complications and The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, and acts as an ad hoc reviewer for many other journals. Dr. Pratley regularly presents at national and international meetings, has conducted numerous research studies on the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of diabetes, and has published over 280 peer-reviewed articles on diabetes and its complications. His current research interests include the prevention of diabetes, improving care for older persons with diabetes, developing new drugs to treat and prevent diabetes and its complications, and understanding the role of the fat cell in increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
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Dr. Robert Provenzano

Robert Provenzano is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit Michigan. He has served previously as the Chief of the Division of Nephrology, Hypertension & Transplantation; Director of Nephrology Research; and Director of Acute Dialysis Services at St. John Hospital & Medical Center in Detroit, MI.; Chief Operating Officer of St. Clair Specialty Physicians in Detroit, and the Vice- President of Medical Affairs for DaVita. Most recently he has overseen all of the owned & managed practice for DaVita as its CMO for Nephrology Practice Solutions and is currently CEO of InnoCura Nephrology.

Dr. Provenzano works with several professional societies and advisory boards and has received several awards and recognition as clinician, researcher and educator. Dr. Provenzano has conducted extensive research, published numerous articles and clinical studies on the management of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease as well as participating as a serial entrepreneur in the device and pharmaceutical space.
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Dr. Amar Puttanna
Amar Puttanna is a Diabetes and Endocrine Consultant in the West Midlands, UK and a founding member of ‘Goggledocs’ – a well-known medical education team from the UK.
He is particularly interested in education, having won teaching awards from the University of Birmingham and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and currently sits on the MRCP Part 1 examining board. In 2018 he received an Excellence in Patient Care Award from the Royal College of Physicians for contribution to the profession. He is involved in writing guidelines including those on older adults with diabetes with the Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) and guidelines/patient leaflets on diabetes and dementia. He sits on the editorial boards for the British Journal of Cardiology and Diabetic Medicine Journal and is part of a national advisory panel for care homes and diabetes and additionally involved in creating a nationwide education programme in this area. He has been an invited speaker to national and international conferences and is currently working with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) on their e-learning platform. Dr Puttanna's interests are in cardiovascular disease, diabetes management in older adults and translating research into clinical practice and is active on social media (@AmarPut). His work in cognitive impairment (DIADEM project) has won a Quality in Care award.
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Abdul Qader MD
Pediatric Nephrology; Square Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr Qader is a pediatric nephrologist working at Square Hospital Bangladesh. He was trained in National University Hospital, Singapore as a clinical fellow. His key interests are glomerular disease in children and renal replacement therapy in small children.

Sai Santhoshini Achi, MD

Sai Achi is a private practice nephrologist in Texas who enjoys the various aspects of nephrology and medical education. She began her journey in Nephrology and Social Media Medical Education through NSMC and continues to explore various other avenues including Kidney International Reports.

Cathy Quinlan

A/Prof Cathy Quinlan is a Paediatric Nephrologist, Clinician scientist, Principal Fellow and Academic Lead for Graduate Research at the Royal Children’s Hospital, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne. She has a career focus on genetic kidney disease and a passion for the early detection of disease to prevent progression. As a health services researcher, her work centres on the interface between nephrology, genomics, educational research and implementation science.

She gained her undergraduate medical qualifications from the National University of Ireland (MB BAO BCh) and her post-graduate degrees in education, medical research and business from Queens University Belfast (MScMedEd), University College London (MDRes) and Monash University (ExecMBA). She is a dual trained paediatrician and nephrologist, member of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (MRCPI) and a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP). Cathy established the state-wide kidney genetics service in Victoria, Australia and co-leads the Kidney Flagship at MCRI, a comprehensive clinical research pipeline for children and young adults impacted by kidney disease. She is Academic Lead for graduate research in the Melbourne Medical School and has supervised 3 PhD students to completion with 4 currently enrolled. Her current projects focus on the mainstreaming of genomics into routine clinical practice, the identification of novel genes for kidney disease, the health economic analysis of genomic sequencing, and the use of data in the electronic medical record for early recognition of kidney disease. Cathy is passionate about FOAMed and is an enthusiastic participant in NephJC, the NSMC and NephMadness as a Blue Ribbon Panel member. You can follow her on twitter or mastodon @KidneyCathy.
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Ali Rizvi DO

Dr. Ali W. Rizvi was born in Lima, OH and he completed his Undergraduate/Graduate studies in Biological Engineering. He obtained his medical degree at Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his Internal Medicine residency training at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. He is currently in Nephrology fellowship training at Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. His hobbies include singing, playing the harmonium, hiking, and playing tennis. 

Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Jr, MD PhD

Augusto Cesar S Santos Jr is an Adjunct Professor of Nephrology at Faculdade Ciências Médicas of Minas Gerais, and a nephrologist at the Hospital das Clínicas Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

During his professional career, he participated in several international continuing education programs. In 2010, he was granted the “Clinical Research Scholar Award” by the Center for Executive and Continuing Professional Education, Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR), Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. In 2014, he was a guest researcher at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and the National Institute of Health (NIH, NIDDK, Bethesda, USA). In 2016, he was granted his Ph.D. degree in Health Sciences. In 2019, he was awarded the Building Capacity Bursaries by the Nuffield Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford. In 2021, he received the “ISN Mentorship Award” for “being dedicated to helping kidney health professionals from all over the world to grow their nephrology skills and contribute to a future where all people have equitable access to sustainable kidney health”. In 2022, he participated in the ISN Education Ambassadors Program in Africa. In this same year, he joined the Global MBA program at the Imperial College London Business School. He's the current Chair of the ISN Education Social Media Team and a member of the ISN Education Working Group. Many of his recent projects involved the development of innovations in Nephrology Education. He participated as an author in the WHO/PAHO publication "Conversaciones sobre eSalud Gestión de información, diálogos e intercambio de conocimientos para acercarnos al acceso universal a la salud" as well as in several other initiatives aimed at fighting misinformation, building capacity, and advancing health equity through science and education.
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Naveed Sattar
Professor of Metabolic Medicine, University of Glasgow

Naveed Sattar is Professor of Metabolic Medicine, University of Glasgow. He is interested in the prevention, causes and management of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular outcomes.

He has published over 1000 papers (with >100K citations), contributed to multiple trials both lifestyle and pharmacotherapy related, and also to relevant clinical guidelines. He has also experience in epidemiology and biomarkers.
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Dr.Mythri Shankar

Dr.Mythri Shankar is Assistant Professor in Nephrology at Institute of Nephro-urology, Bengaluru, India. She is the Associate Program Director of Nephrology Social Media Collective. Her interests include glomerular diseases, social media and nephrology education. She is a member of the Glomcon Fellowship Education Committee and a Glomcon Fellowship instructor.

She won the 2017 DNB Nephrology Gold Medal. She is on the regional board of International Society of Nephrology (ISN) for South Asia, which works to advance kidney care in the nations in this area. She belongs to the ISN Young, ISN Education, and ISN social media teams.She also participates in the social media team for the Indian Society of Nephrology. She serves as the Women in Nephrology India Karnataka Chapter's secretary. She has recieved the CJASN best visual abstract award (2021) and NephJC founders award (2022). She is the editor of Glomcon pubs and KIReports community. For a number of national and international journals, including KIreports, Kidney Medicine, and Indian journal of Transplantation, she serves as the graphic abstract editor. Apart from several in India specifically, she has been invited to serve as distinguished faculty at a number of international conferences, including the ISN World Congress of Nephrology in 2023, Nephroalex Egypt in 2022, and the International Renal Association Conference in Bangladesh in 2023. She has over 70 publications in national and international journals.
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Dr Sourabh Sharma
MBBS, MD, DNB Nephrology, FASN
Dr Sharma is consultant nephrology and transplant physician currently practicing in India. After earning his MBBS from SMS medical college, Jaipur, India, he completed his residency (MD Medicine) from Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi and DNB Nephrology training from prestigious Army hospital research & referral, Delhi.
He is social media team member of International Society of Nephrology WCN and European Renal Association. He is a mentor under ISN mentorship program of ISN. He is national representative (India) of ERA young nephrologists platform. His areas of interest are ABO incompatible kidney transplantation, cardiorenal syndrome and peritoneal dialysis.
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Natalie Staplin, PhD
Associate Professor, Renal Studies Group, MRC Population Health Research Unit, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Univ. of Oxford

Natalie Staplin is a senior statistician based at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford.

She has worked on several trials conducted by the Renal Studies Group (including EMPA-KIDNEY, 3C and UKHARP3). Her research interests also include conventional and genetic epidemiological analyses of patients with chronic kidney disease, using appropriate statistical methodology to identify risk factors associated with both cardiovascular events and renal disease progression.
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Brian Rifkin, MD
General and Interventional Nephrology; Hattiesburg Clinic, Hattiesburg MS

Brian Rifkin, MD, is a board-certified general and interventional nephrologist at the Hattiesburg Clinic in Hattiesburg, MS.

He is also a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Nephrology at the William Carey University Medical School. Dr. Rifkin completed medical school at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, completed a med/peds residency at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, and completed a nephrology fellowship at Yale New Haven Hospital. He is a Board member of both the Mississippi Kidney Foundation and the Mississippi Diabetes Foundation.
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Jade Teakell, MD

Dr. Teakell received her undergraduate chemistry degree from Southwestern University. She received her doctoral degree in biochemistry from UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. She received her medical degree from and completed Internal Medicine residency and Nephrology fellowship at the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. Between residency and fellowship, she served as a chief medical resident for the internal medicine residency program. She happily continues on at UTHealth, as she joined the McGovern Medical School faculty in 2017.

She has an interest in medical school and graduate medical education. She serves as Nephrology Core Faculty for the Internal Medicine Residency Program, and she is the Nephrology Fellowship Associate Program Director. In both roles, she is actively involved in teaching, curriculum development, and mentorship. Her clinical and research interests are focused on acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease prevention/management, home dialysis therapies, and reduction of health care disparities. Administrative roles include medical director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital Nephrology and Dialysis Service as well as medical director of the Ambulatory Care Services Peritoneal Dialysis Program, both within Harris Health System. Dr. Teakell is a member of local/state medical societies, a Fellow of the American Society of Nephrology (FASN), and a member of Alpha Omega Alpha.
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Isha Tiwari, MD DNB DM Nephrology
Associate Professor Nephrology at SAMC & PGI Indore, India

Isha Tiwari is a clinical nephrologist who is currently working at Sri Aurobindo Medical College and Post Graduate Institute as Associate Professor of Nephrology in Indore, India. She has keen interest in glomerular diseases and is pursuing the GlomCon fellowship in glomerular diseases. She has her expertise in pediatric nephrology and renal transplantation as well.

She completed her 'Doctorate of Medicine' in Nephrology at Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad,India where she wrote her DM thesis in diabetic kidney disease titled “THE CLINICAL, LABORATORY AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PATIENTS WITH NON-PROTEINURIC DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE”. She had undertaken the online certification course on 'Kidney Transplant Management' by the Mayo Clinic. Furthermore, she established the department of Nephrology at a public hospital in Indore. She has completed her Nephrology Social Media Collective internship and is currently in the editorial team of 'Nephrology Journal Club'. She is the member of the Social Media team of 'Women In Nephrology, India' and is also the secretary of the central zone chapter.
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Carlo Nemesio Trinidad, MD, FPCP, FPSN

Carlo Trinidad is a clinical nephrologist and head of the Division of Nephrology as well as the Renal Care Center of the Dagupan Doctors Villaflor Memorial Hospital in Pangasinan province, the Philippines.

He is a member of the Philippine Society of Nephrology’s Committee on Public Health and Preventive Nephrology. He is the creator of Hello Kidney, an social media resource page for lay education and content about kidney diseases.
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Didem Turgut MD, MSc
Didem Turgut is nephrologist at the Ankara City Hospital, University of Health Sciences, in Turkey.
She trained in Internal Medicine at the Hacettepe University, Ankara, and in nephrology at the Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital. She is currently working for her master’s degree on data science and biostatistics at Department of Biostatistics at Hacettepe University, Ankara. Her clinical interests include glomerular diseases, their genetic backgrounds, and advanced statistical analysis methods in the nephrology field.
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Dr. Dilushi Wijayaratne
Specialist Nephrologist, Lecturer in Clinical Medicine

Dr Dilushi Wijayaratne is an early career nephrologist and a Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dr Wijayaratne obtained her medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. She trained in nephrology at the University Medical Unit, National Hospital of Sri Lanka and completed a two-year training as a senior clinical fellow in renal medicine at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead, UK.

She has an MSc in Clinical trials (Oxon) and is currently reading for a DPhil in Population Health at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include glomerular diseases, including lupus nephritis, and chronic kidney disease. She is a member of the @ISNEducation social media team and was an Editorial intern of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. She provides clinical nephrology services to the National Hospital of Sri Lanka and the National Institute for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation.
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